The 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a SMO Company

Ankita Kapoor
7 min readMay 27, 2024


In today’s world, social media is incredibly powerful. With around 5.07 billion people using it globally (according to Statista in April 2024), it’s essential for businesses big and small.

Having a strong presence on social media helps you reach your audience, increase your brand visibility, attract new customers, and boost your sales.

However, it can be tricky to make the most of social media and get good results. This is why many businesses turn to Social Media Optimization (SMO) companies.

These companies provide various services to help businesses succeed on social media, from marketing strategies to daily management tasks.

But, finding the right SMO company isn’t easy. There are many of them out there, and not all are a good fit. Many businesses end up making mistakes that cost them time and money.

This detailed guide will show you how to avoid the five biggest mistakes companies make when choosing an SMO company.

With these tips, you can find the ideal partner to help you thrive on social media.

Mistake #1: Focusing Solely on Follower Count

Source: Canva

Picture this situation: you’re looking at proposals from two different SMO companies. Company A shows off a huge number of followers on various social media sites.

Company B has fewer followers. It’s easy to think that Company A, with all those followers, would give you better results.

This is a common mistake many businesses make. Even though having a lot of followers might look impressive, it doesn’t always mean success on social media. Here’s why:

  • Fake Followers: Unfortunately, the world of social media isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. A study by the University of Southern California found that up to 20% of social media accounts can be fake! These followers are essentially inactive accounts that don’t engage with your content, offering no value to your brand.
  • Engagement Matters More: The true measure of a successful social media presence lies in engagement. This includes metrics like likes, comments, shares, clicks, and mentions. High engagement indicates that your audience is actively interacting with your content, finding it valuable, and potentially converting into leads or customers. A study by the Social Media Marketing Institute revealed that companies with high social media engagement see a 22% increase in customer loyalty.
  • Targeting the Right Audience: A smaller, highly engaged audience composed of your ideal customers is far more valuable than a massive following filled with irrelevant accounts.

Remember: Quality over quantity is key when it comes to your social media following.

Mistake #2: Not Understanding Your Target Audience

Source: Canva

Imagine putting together an engaging social media campaign, only to find out it’s reaching the wrong people. This is an expensive error, and it often happens when your target audience isn’t clearly defined.

Here’s why it’s so important to know exactly who you’re aiming at for successful social media optimization:

  • Tailored Content: By knowing your audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points, the SMO company can tailor content that resonates with them. This increases engagement and brand loyalty. According to Sprout Social, content tailored to specific audiences generates 30% more engagement.
  • Targeted Advertising: Social media platforms offer powerful advertising tools that allow you to target specific demographics and interests. Understanding your audience allows the SMO company to leverage these tools effectively, maximizing your advertising spend.
  • Community Building: Social media thrives on building a community around your brand. When you understand your audience, the SMO company can foster conversations, address their concerns, and create a sense of belonging, fostering brand advocacy.

Remember: Developing strategies that resonate with your target audience is essential for successful social media marketing.

Mistake #3: Lacking Clear Goals and Expectations

Source: Canva

Before you start using social media for marketing, it’s important to set clear goals and know what you expect to achieve. What are you looking to get from your social media activities?

Here are some typical goals that businesses have:

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Do you want to reach a wider audience and establish your brand as a leader in your industry?
  • Generate Leads and Sales: Do you want to use social media to attract potential customers and convert them into paying clients?
  • Boost Website Traffic: Do you want to drive visitors to your website and increase engagement with your content there?
  • Improve Customer Engagement: Do you want to foster a community around your brand and encourage interaction with your audience?

Once you know what your goals are, you need to set specific and measurable targets.

This might include how many new followers you want, how much you want to increase traffic to your website, how many leads you hope to generate, or how you plan to boost engagement with your posts.

Clear goals help the best SMO company to create focused strategies and monitor how well they are doing in reaching those goals.

Remember: Without clear goals and expectations, it’s impossible to measure the success of your social media campaigns.

Mistake #4: Focusing Solely on Price

Source: Canva

It’s natural to be budget-conscious when choosing any service provider. However, when selecting an SMO company, focusing solely on price can be a recipe for disappointment.

While social media management pricing can vary depending on the services offered and the size of your business, cost shouldn’t be the only factor to consider. Here’s why:

  • Value Proposition: Look for an agency that demonstrates a deep understanding of your industry, your target audience, and the latest social media trends. They should be able to articulate a clear strategy for achieving your social media goals and demonstrate a track record of success with similar clients. This value proposition can translate to a higher ROI in the long run.
  • Expertise and Experience: Effective social media marketing requires a blend of creativity, data analysis, and strategic thinking. A low-cost provider might lack the experience and expertise necessary to deliver a successful campaign. Hiring SMO experts with a proven track record can ensure your campaigns are well-executed and achieve your desired results.
  • Hidden Costs: Beware of hidden costs when comparing proposals from different SMO companies. Be sure to understand exactly what’s included in the quoted price and factor in potential additional costs such as content creation, paid advertising campaigns, or social media management tools.

Remember: Investing in a qualified SMO company that delivers results can be far more valuable in the long run than opting for the cheapest option that might not deliver the desired return on investment (ROI).

Mistake #5: Ignoring Experience and Portfolio

Source: Canva

Imagine hiring a surgeon with no experience performing the specific procedure you need. Similarly, choosing an SMO company without a proven track record and relevant experience can be risky.

Here’s why experience and portfolio matter:

  • Industry Expertise: The best SMO company will have experience working with businesses in your industry. This ensures they understand the specific challenges and opportunities you face on social media. Look for case studies that showcase their success in similar industries.
  • Proven Strategies: Look for an SMO company with a proven track record of success. Ask for case studies and client testimonials that showcase their ability to achieve results similar to your goals. These success stories can provide valuable insights into the agency’s capabilities.
  • Portfolio Review: A strong portfolio provides valuable insights into the SMO company’s creativity, content creation skills, and understanding of different social media platforms. Reviewing their portfolio allows you to assess their creative style and alignment with your brand voice.

Remember: When reviewing proposals, don’t just focus on price. Take the time to evaluate the SMO company’s experience, expertise, and portfolio to ensure they have the capabilities to deliver the results you need.

Choosing the Right SMO Company: Additional Tips

Source: Canva

Beyond the five mistakes mentioned above, here are some additional tips to consider when choosing an SMO company:

  • Clear Communication: Choose an SMO company that prioritizes clear communication. This includes regular reporting, discussing strategy updates, and promptly addressing any concerns you may have.
  • Transparency in Reporting: The best SMO company will provide you with transparent and regular reporting on the performance of your social media campaigns. This allows you to track progress towards your goals and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Cultural Fit: Beyond expertise, consider the cultural fit between your company and the SMO company. You want to partner with an agency that understands your brand voice and aligns with your company culture. This will ensure a smoother collaboration and a more effective representation of your brand on social media.
  • Scalability: Think about your future growth plans. Will the SMO company be able to scale its services as your business and social media presence expand?
  • Client Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from past clients of the SMO company. This can provide valuable insights into their experience working with the agency.


Source: Canva

By avoiding the five common mistakes outlined in this blog post and utilizing the additional tips provided, you’ll be well on your way to finding the right partner for your social media needs.

Keep in mind, having a strong presence on social media is crucial for growing your business in today’s digital world. Choosing the right SMO company can help you achieve your social media goals, build brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales.



Ankita Kapoor

Hey, I’m Ankita, a tech blogger working with ValueCoders who loves to share her extensive tech-related knowledge with like-minded people.